“Pure mathematics is, in its own way, the poetry of logical ideas.

-Albert Einstein

Our Mission

We believe that mathematics is a vital part of understanding and appreciating the majesty of the world around us and even far beyond that. We do not believe that such understanding is meant only for those with a “gift” for mathematics. We are dedicated to breaking the stigma that math has in modern society by bringing math to people in a way that is not stiff or threatening, but adaptable and inviting. Everyone learns in different ways, and part of the beauty of mathematics is the countless different ways that a single concept can be presented so that anyone from any background can gain a deeper level of knowledge. We are here to encourage anyone that we can reach that math is as whimsical and free as your imagination. We are here to support the individuals in their journey through all forms of math, the teachers as they impart their knowledge upon their students, and the mathematicians that work to expand our view of the world as well as our imagination.

Math can be a marvelous thing. You need only imagine it to be.


What We’ve Achieved

  • Over 6 years of tutoring students from kindergarten through college

  • Scientific and mathematical outreach in various schools

  • Supplemental teaching of college math courses

  • 4 years of federally funded research

  • Award-winning scientific presentations

  • Substitute teaching for community service

  • Raised hundreds of dollars for local math communities

  • Created countless pages of academic material for students


We would love to make ourselves available to you! Click below to see what we can do for you!

“Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.”

-William Paul Thurston